Book Creator

The First Days of School

by Kelly Hilton

Pages 4 and 5 of 23

Connect with Google Classroom
Google Classroom can be used in so many ways. Set up your classroom and share the code with students to join. Use classroom to share resources, collect student responses, and to guide discussions. How to set up a Google Classroom and add students HERE.
Comic Panel 1
Host a video throw down! Invite students to find a video (no longer than 4 minutes long) that will make the class laugh, motivate the class to work hard, or inspire the class this year when needed. Show one video a day until all students have been able to show their video.

1. Add this question into your Google Classroom.
2. Show students how to filter video searches.
3. Collect videos in a YouTube Playlist for later use.
Get to know your students with forms!
Personalize a Google form with questions for your students. Share the form as an assignment in Google Classroom and get to know your students right away. Using a Google form is a helpful tool for this activity because students can rest assured that the contents of the responses that they share with you are confidentially shared. Change the questions on the form and connect with students all year long using personalized Google forms.
Comic Panel 2
Create a shared music playlist:
Ask students about what kind of music they listen to. Teach them how to find song lyrics and to search for videos that are appropriate with searching specifics. Invite students to find one appropriate song to contribute to a class music playlist. Share THIS Google Doc with the class and give everyone editing rights. Collect their favorite music and create a class playlist to listen to all year long in the classroom.
Comic Panel 3
Comic Panel 4
Invite Guardians into Google Classroom: You are getting to know your students during the first weeks of school, but guardians will appreciate being able to see what is happening in your classroom too! Collect the Gmail address of the guardian. Check the box next to the student name in the "student" column, and invite their guardian. Guardians can see posted assignments and due dates. Have a student who needs extra support? This feature will keep the connection going strong between home and school.