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My english notebook 3

by Catalina Martínez Lara


My english notebook
My name is Catalina Martinez Lara 
Grade and group: 3A
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing and Midwifery
7C Are you hungry?
Countable nouns

How: Many / Muchos
A lot of / Un montón de 
A few / Algunos, Unos cuantos
How many ....? / Cuántos ......?
Not many,A few, A lot
Uncountable nouns

How: Much / Mucho
A lot of / Un montón de
A little / Un poco de
A lot of / Un montón de 
How much ....? / Cuánto ....?
Not much,A little , A lot / Mucho,Un poco, Un montón de
Countable nouns

Large quantities :

There are lot of / Lots of crackers / Un Monton / Montones de
Are there many crackers / Muchos
Are there a lot of / lots of crackers ?

Small quantities:

There are a few creackers
There aren’t many / a lot of crackers
Are there a few crackers?
Uncountable nouns

Large quantities:

There’s a lot of / lots of cheese
Is there a lot of / lots of cheese?

Small quantities:

There’s a little cheese
There’s not much/ a lot of cheese
Is there a little chesse?
Containers and portions
Cups of coffee / Tazas de cafe
A slice of cake / Rebanada de pastel
A carton of juice / Cartón de jugo
A can of peas / Lata de guisante
A package of cookies / Paquete de galletas
A box of cereal / Caja de cereal
Pieces of meat / Trozos de carne
A bowl of pasta / Plato de pasta
Bottles of wine / Botellas de vino
Jars of honey  / Tarros de miel 
Bags of potato chips / Bolsas de patatas fritas
A bar of chocolate / Barra de chocolate
A glass of water / Vaso de agua
A can of cola / Lata de cola
A spoonful of oil / Cucharada de aceite
7D Out for dinner
Conversation buidel: In a restaurant
Reserving a table:

Do you have a table of ...please? / ¿Tiene una tabla de ...por favor?
It’s for ... people / Es para ... personas
Arriving at a restaurant

We have a table reserved in the name of ... / Tenemos una mesa reservada a nombre de ...