Book Creator

Beyond the Stars

by Emily Dean

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Beyond the Stars
By Emily Dean
Dedicated to:
Caydence. B
And everybody out there who finds love in literature
Emily Dean 2022
Mama always says that if I was the Sun I would be too shy to shine. Rebecca Lesley says it looks like a horse kicked me in the face, but that’s not important. Clover says that if I was the Sun I would blind everyone. Rebecca says that Clover is as weak as a donkey, which I don’t understand cause Mama says that donkeys are actually very strong. Clover didn’t quite like it when Rebecca called her that. They both got three weeks detention. Don’t get me wrong Clover is the nicest person I know. I don’t know that many people. She just doesn’t let other people boss her around.
Nine months ago Clover just stopped acting like herself and soon after, she was diagnosed with stage four blood cancer. I felt like my entire world was falling apart. My only friend is terminally ill, my mom’s boyfriend is a jerk, and every ounce of attention is going to the new baby and any remaining goes to Griffin. Oh and by the way I’m Navy, Navy Will.
My family is like nothing else on Earth, my mom and dad are divorced , my three year old brother ,Griffin, is too sweet for this world. Sunshine, my half sister, who is now four months old, has everyone wrapped around her thumb the second she even grabs something. Kyle, my mom’s boyfriend, is a jerk with a dumb New York accent, and my dad is a screw up. Well me, sometimes I fear I’m a screw up too. Clover always gets mad at me when I say that. Anyways a letter came from Clover all the way in Oregon. She had to move for better treatment.
I haven’t read it yet since I’m waiting for Mom to have some free time to open it with me. I have my entire Saturday to spend waiting, but by the end of the day, it still lay on the kitchen counter gleaming in the moonlight, almost like it's asking for me to open it. Finally, I cave. I tear open the envelope eager to see what it holds but the second my eyes lay on the first word my heart drops.
Oregon has been dreadful, and Clover misses you very much. Her condition is rapidly declining and her only wish is to see you. And so I ask for you to come visit. I will even offer you a complimentary hotel room. I truly ask only one favor of you and that is to make my little girl smile again. I am excited to meet you and whoever escorts you to Oregeon!
Mrs. O'lee
My stomach is spinning like the rings of Saturn. Tears are rolling down my face faster than asteroids. Finally, Mama walks in and before her eyes even can comprehend what is happening, she gives me a gorilla hug. I somehow manage to let out, “Can we go visit her?” Mama lets out an audible sigh. “ I’m sorry this has to be hard, but we have so many things going on right now and..” “And what!” I demand. She looks at her feet musing her every word and thought. Eventually she says, “It’s just not our top priority right now.” I break free of her grip powered by my tears. I stumble into my room careful not to wake Griffin who is sleeping just a few feet away. After nearly an hour, I tiptoe out of the room and reach for the landline. First I begin to dial Nana and Pap, but before I finish I remember that Nana died three months ago and Pap doesn’t have a phone in his nursing home. Next, I try Dad which almost immediately sends me to his answering machine. Now, my tears of sadness become tears of rage, anger, and confusion. I once again go to my room, but this time I have no regard if I wake Griffin or not.