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by :Valeria, Arnoldo, Mario, Maria Fernanda y Luis.

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By : Valeria Sanchez Aldapa , Maria Fernanda

Arizmendi Wong , Arnoldo Ibarra Ibarra , Mario

Alberto Revilla Sarralde, Luis Fernando

Velazquez and Diego Gael Bastidas.
This is MacGuffin our food detector that helps evaluate whether the food istransgenic or not or if it really has the nutrients that offers. We

would love to put it on sale and help people make better choices when it comes to buying food. Our detector is made out of eco-friendly

materials like: bamboo, recycled plastic, etc… and it does not pollute like other products do. It is very easy to use and it also has a very

accessible price , it is only $ 20 dollars. Its design is a remote TV - like and we used recycled materials to make it. MacGuffin detectors

are made out of parts of other recycled devices . 
Transgenic Food Detector 



When the food passes through the coils

of Macguffin detector, the high-frequency field

is disturbed under one coil, changing the

voltage by a few microvolts. The output is used

to detect if the food contains nutrients and the

required quality to be consumed. It  can be

used throughout the food production process

in order to protect consumers by detecting the

necessary amount of sugar,salt

and contaminants and preventing the

contaminated food from ending up on

retailers' shelves. 
It is important to evaluate food that we eat every day. As

consumers we need to know our chances to get healthy food or

food that is completely toxic for our system. We all should be able

to evaluate what food contains. We all know that by consuming 

food that is considered unhealthy it has bad effects on our health

in a long term. MacGuffin gives us all the opportunity to be able

to make good choices when it comes to buying and eating

food and to have a balanced diet and as a result a healthy life .
Let’s talk about MacGuffin
Make it work
This detector is eco-friendly, because

the materials of this detector are

mostly made out of natural material

and just recycled plastic and more

natural materials to make

this detector a green device. The price

of this detector is only $20 dollars, it

is completely affordable.
The Advantages of MacGuffin

Well, you only need to have a

battery in the detector and put

the tip in the food and that’s in!

When you put the tip in the food

it shows you the information. The

green light means that your food

has enough nutrients and the red

light means that your food is

contaminated and it tells you how

much sodium or calorities it

has. Just remember that is not

-You can identify how much harmful is the food for your body.

-It is portable; you can take it in your pocket.

-It is very easy to use ,even children over 12 and adults will understand how to use it. 

 -Its battery is rechargeable ,so you can use it for 20 hours straight.
Food detector
By: Valeria Sanchez, María Fernanda

Arizmendi, Mario Revilla

and Arnoldo Ibarra.
We believe that MacGuffin will be a very helpful option for people around the world because it will show

some information about the food that we daily consume. It also could help us to become aware of how

important is to make good decisions when it comes to our diet, so this transgenic food detector will tell

us what we are eating, its nutrients and unhealthy properties Making the correct choice will prevent us

from having deseases in a long term.Consuming unhealthy products can have harmful effects on the

human body and it will help us see what our food contains . 

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