Book Creator

Summer Reading

by Vicki Wright


2019 Summer Reading
Silver Lake Middle School
Everything you need to know about our Summer Reading Program is inside this book!
Our Summer Reading Program
How our books were placed on our summer reading list.
All current 7th and 8th-grade students were asked to recommend a book that they thought their peers would enjoy reading over the summer. This list was surveyed, looking for titles that were not on last year's summer reading list - a large number were from last year's list! This tells us that the students did a great job recommending books their peers would enjoy the previous year. We, however, could not repeat a book two years in a row so these books were eliminated as potentials. We then looked for books in different genres, different reading levels, and a mix of what would appeal to boys and girls. We are thrilled with our 2019 summer reading list and believe you will find a book to read that you will enjoy.
Book Discussion and Activities with other students who read the same book will be planned for the middle of September.
Parent/Guardian Letter
In this letter, you will find information about the summer reading program, information about the discussion assignment, and the list of books for 2019.
Please help your child pick just the right book. And please help them remember to complete the assignment while they are reading. The book discussion assignment is due the first day of school to be turned into their ELA teacher. The assignment will be graded.
Book Discussion Assignment - Due the first day of school to your ELA teacher
Book Discussion Assignment - fold and place in your book as you are reading and write your responses on the assignment sheet. If you complete the assignment as you are reading, it should not take you much time at all. The assignment is to be brought to school the first day of school and given to your ELA teacher.
If you would like to type your responses on the assignment document - open the assignment and make a copy, you will be able to edit the copy.
Getting Your Book!
Our Public Libraries are working with us to supply you with our summer reading titles for loan. Most are available in both print and digital formats.

Holmes Public Library - Halifax

Kingston Public Library - Kingston

Plympton Public Library

The books on our list can also be purchased from your regular book supplier.
Check for ebooks and audio books here - choose Silver Lake School District. Sign in with your Silver Lake Google login.
Some of the titles might be available for purchase through the 7th grade ELA teachers in May. And some titles might be available for purchase at book fairs at the elementary schools.