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Global warming

by Kelsey Fester

Pages 4 and 5 of 10

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This video by National Geographic will help you understand the concept of Global warming
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Definition of global warming:

1. an increase in the air temperatures over the last couple of centuries
2. a change in weather patterns such as temperature and precipitation which directly influences the climate in different regions of the Earth
3. an increase in the average temperatures by 1,1 degrees mostly caused by Human activities
Comic Panel 2
One of the main causes of Global warming is The Greenhouse Effect
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What is the Greenhouse Effect?
The Greenhouse effect is a natural process whereby the Sun's energy(heat) is reflected form the surface of the Earth back into the atmosphere where some of it is captured to keep the Earth warm. The heat is captured by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane.

So greenhouse gases are natural and needed. However, human activities in the last couple of centuries has caused an over abundance in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuels and other air pollution is results in too much greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This results in too much heat from the Sun being caught in the atmosphere and this is causing the Earth to heat up!