Book Creator

Digital Citizenship Book- Swank

by Sandi Dennis

Pages 2 and 3 of 27

We are Great Digital Citizens!
by Ms. Swank's Class
About this book...
We learned about how to be good digital citizens with our school's METI, Mrs. Dennis. We picked one digital citizenship fact that is important to us and drew a picture of it, then wrote a sentence and recorded our voices. We hope you enjoy our book and learn something from us!
To learn more about being a good digital citizen, please visit /videos/what-is-digital-citizenship.
You shouldn't be mean to people online.
Be kind to others online.
- Tatiana
You should be careful about your tone when you text.
- Elvin
Don't say mean comments to people online.
Be kind to people online. - Giselle
Don't bully people online.
- Alexis