Book Creator

eTwinning Travel Agency

by Bilge Yılmaztekin, Maja Medic, Katarzyna

Pages 2 and 3 of 27

by eTwinning Travel Agency project partners
In this book you will find postcards from London written to their parents by two brothers, Jack and John.

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Task Distribution

Bilge Yılmaztekin-Turkey
Tower Bridge
fish and chips
British museum

Kasia Poland 
Big Ben 
English tea 
Natural History Museum 

Svitlana - Ukraine
the London Eye
English breakfast
Madam Tussaud’s

Maja Serbia
Gherkin building
Roast beef, Yorkshire pudding and vegetables
Buckingham Palace
Hi mom and dad !
London is an amazing place! Today we visited Tower Bridge! It was fantastic! The bridge crosses the River Thames close to the Tower of London and has become an iconic symbol of London. We took lots of photos, too. We also tasted Fish and chips which is a traditional British food that originally came from the UK. Yummy yummy !
Jack and John
To: Tom and Mary Brown

15 Palm Street

New York

Hello mom and dad!
Today we visited British Museum! It was awesome!
The British Museum in London is one of the world's largest and most important museums of human history and culture. It has more than seven million objects from all continents. They illustrate and document the story of human culture from its beginning to the present.
Jack and John
TO: Tom and Mary Brown

15 Palm Street

New York