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Facts about Japan

by Molly Pritchard

Pages 2 and 3 of 21

Facts about Japan!!!
Facts about Japan
Population: 126.5 million people live in Japan
Capital: Tokyo, which is the biggest city in Japan with over 13 million inhabitants. 
Language: Japanese
Religion: majority are Buddhists or Shintoists
Life expectancy: 86 years
Currency: Yen
National Symbols: red sun disk (as shown on the flag), national bird: green pheasant, national flower: cherry blossom, national fish: Japanese koi fish
The Japanese islands consist of 4 main islands and many of smaller isles. In total there are over 6,800 islands!

The biggest cities in Japan are Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka and Nagoya. 

The highest mountain in Japan is Mount Fuji, a dormant (sleeping) volcano, which last erupted in 1707. Mount Fuji is 3,776 metres.

In Japan, there are more than 108 active volcanos. Japan records the most earthquakes in the world every year.
Japanese foods
Japanese food is one of the most popular cuisines in the world and for good reason. Based on “rules of five,” traditional Japanese cooking is about variety and balance. This is achieved through the use of five colors (black, white, red, yellow, and green), five cooking techniques (raw food, grilling, steaming, boiling, and frying), and five flavors (sweet, spicy, salty, sour, and bitter). With its beautifully presented food and the use of fresh ingredients, it’s no wonder that Japan's cuisine is so delicious and so highly prized by people around the world. Here are five of the best traditional Japanese dishes.
3.Udon noodles
4.Soba noodles
5. Miso soup
-Dried sardines And almonds are often
Consumed as snacks in most parts of Japan.
Diverse species of animals can be found in Japan, the most common animals are snow monkeys, deer, flying squirrels, wild cats and bears.

In Japan, deer roaming the many parks are a common sight.

Japan has also one of the largest thermal regions in the world. Many popular hot springs are to be found on the southwestern side of Japan. There are local snow monkeys which keep warm by bathing in the hot springs.