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My book of poems

by Keaton S


My book of poems

By Keaton S
My simile poem The mountains around me

Up mount Seymour the snow is as soft as velvet,
The snow is as white as a ghost.

Up cypress the snow is as gentle as a lamb,
And as light as a feather.

Up grouse the lineups are as boring as watching paint dry,
And the ice on the hills are as clear as a crystal.

At whistler the hills are as smooth as silk,
There the snow is as tall as a giraffe.

The mountains here in our area are good as gold,
Here when you ski or board you’re as free as a bird.
Metaphor What is a metaphor

Mining for a poem
pining to go home
to where the rhyme and meter
make some sense.
Digging for a clue
for what my words should do
all safely bound within a picket fence.


Biking is the best
I went biking yesterday
I crashed really hard

I live in north van
It is a beautiful place
My grandma died here

Skiing is great
It is my favourite sport
When it’s the winter
Found Poem worldview is beliefs

Out of from the night that covers me,
As Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I say thank you to whatever gods may be
for my unconquerable soul.
In the foul clutch of circumstance
I have not blinked nor cried aloud.
Under the metal bar of chance
my head is very bloody, but unbowed.
beyond this point of plaronwathandiears
and yet still he is the menace of the years
finds and shall he find me unafraid.
It does not matter how strait the gate,
how charged with punishments the scroll is,
I am the master of my own fate:
I am the captain of my own soul
Imagery Poem The world is melting away

I can feel the world melting away,
Just like my ice cream cone on a hot summers day,
I can smell all the fossil fuels during the day,
I wish I could just spray it all away,
I can taste all the puffs of smoke coming from a nearby Chevrolet,
From all that traffic its putting my mind in decay,
I can hear all the people coughing away,
Want to know why this is happening well its happening from all that foul manure spray,
I can see the worlds end already underway,
To help the world why not just why not start today.
