Book Creator

All about me

by Lea Miletić


All about me
written by: Lea Miletić
date: 25 October 2020
My family
little sis
Queen Mother
...aand me
Basic facts about me
This is me and my best friend Filip
My name is Lea. I'm 14 years old. I was born in Paris on June 15 2006, but since 2007, my family and I have been living in Croatia. I'm attending Elementary school Gjalski.
As you can see I love sleeping since the earliest days:)
Things I like/love
my favorite fantasy novel:
I like learning new things, COFFEE, sleeping and music, fantasy novels and movies.
I love reading novels, drawing, travelling, procrastinating etc.
one of my best drawings:
I don' think I have some certain type of style, but I'd say that I'm a pretty stylish person, well, since I was little:)
My personality
But also I am fair, loyal, positive, cheerful, funny, sarcastic, sometimes annoying and very talkative.
aand goofy...
My favorite things
My favorite colors are yellow and blue.
My favorite subjects are geography and biology.
My favorite animal is a chameleon.
My favorite hang-outs are my room in general, my bed, kitchen (especially the area around the fridge).
Thank you for your time and attention!