Book Creator


by Siwi Risma

Pages 8 and 9 of 173

In a daily life we as a social people can not be separated by the name of the variety of languange speech, the relationship between social and language becomes a unified unity. So this relations in concluded to be sociolinguistics then what is meaning of sociolinguistics in self? Sociolinguistics is a study that compiles theorities of public relations with language.
In sociolinguistics there is a very close relationship namely language and gender, the language in question is the variety of speech used by humans in their social environtment, and the gender in question is the human being who is the object of language, namely male and female. In English language and gender have an inseparable relationship, both of which have important role in creating the succes of the nature of sociolinguistics it self.
The purpose of this book is to introduce language and gender which is a sub-chapter of sociolinguistics which is intended for students. After studying language and gender, students are expected to be able to distinguish the language used by men and the language used by women. That is the reason why language and gender are very important to learn so that the students knowledge can develop.
To help students in the learning process find the differences between male and female in everyday life, and accompanied by some views according to experts namely Janet Holmes and Mirriam Mayerhoff and Lakof. This book provides a variety of practice questions and their explanations in detail. The practice questions themselves can be used by students to hone their knowledge after studying material from language and gender.
This book is not complete edition to cover the whole sociolinguistics of English Phonology material. There is a lot of lack in this book. Therefore, it will be a quite useful input to have feedback about the content of this book.
I gratefully acknowledge fullfill my duty, to my Lecture Mrs. Dwi Astuti Wahyu Nurhayati, Islamic University of sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung.