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The Fatal Journey

by Quinn Smilgis

Pages 6 and 7 of 17

After many days of riding he found an habitant who he bought a canoe from and left summer in their stables. Victor paddled down the rivers, and finally found some Indian villages, their he offered them some of his tools in exchange for furs. They accepted the offer. After many more days of trading he had made his way quite far north. He had traded away all his tools. All he had left was an arquebus, a bow and arrow, and his family’s broadaxe.

Normally Victor would travel on small relatively unused rivers as they have less of a chance of having licensed traders on them. But here the only river was a large, and quite used one. So he waited until just after nightfall to depart but along the way he went towards shore. Then his broadaxe fell out of his canoe onto a rock making a loud clang. Then the traders in the camp next to the river came to investigate as they saw him, a coureur de bois, they came and beat him up and stole all his stuff.
Then they threw him in the cold, fast flowing river and left him there to die. After a couple of minutes they came back, to do one last check of the area, to see if there was anything else. As the trader carrying his arquebus came by him he reached for him broadaxe and swung it. The broadaxe went straight through his leg and he fell to the ground. Then he took his arquebus and started firing at the other traders. He hit two of them, injuring one badly, and killing the other. There in the full moon glinted the blood spilling from the one he hurt with his broadaxe and he decided to kill him out of mercy. One clean swing of his broadaxe to cut through his neck, was all it took. He gathered all his furs and went home.

At home he discovered his father had survived the sickness but the cousins both died. He never went on another fur trading mission after that. He just hewed wood with broadaxe, and built houses. The next year Victor married Juliette Laurent and had 7 children in the next 16 years. After being the leader of the business for 34 years he gave it to his eldest son. Then he lived tell 62 years and peacefully died.
Then they threw him in the cold, fast flowing river and left him there to die. After a couple of minutes they came back, to do one last check of the area, to see if there was anything else. As the trader carrying his arquebus came by him he reached for him broadaxe and swung it. The broadaxe went straight through his leg and he fell to the ground. Then he took his arquebus and started firing at the other traders. He hit two of them, injuring one badly, and killing the other. There in the full moon glinted the blood spilling from the one he hurt with his broadaxe and he decided to kill him out of mercy. One clean swing of his broadaxe to cut through his neck, was all it took. He gathered all his furs and went home.

At home he discovered his father had survived the sickness but the cousins both died. He never went on another fur trading mission after that. He just hewed wood with broadaxe, and built houses. The next year Victor married Juliette Laurent and had 7 children in the next 16 years. After being the leader of the business for 34 years he gave it to his eldest son. Then he lived tell 62 years and peacefully died.

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