Book Creator

June 2024 Newsletter

by Aspire / St Uny

Pages 2 and 3 of 18

Head of School:
This Month at St Uny CE Academy
Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Smith!
On Saturday 1st June - two of our most loved members of staff tied the knot and got married at St Uny Church. Reverend Etienne officiated the ceremony and the church was full of friends, family and staff members who were there to share in their joy. The day was filled with joy, happiness and love and we could not be more delighted that Mr & Mrs Smith are now married.
School Council Fundraising
We are so proud of our School Council, who planned and held a non-uniform day in aid of their chosen charity before half term. The children raised an incredible £268 for Cancer Research UK - thank you so much to everyone who donated.
Head of School:
This Month at St Uny CE Academy
Penwith Athletics Champions!
We are delighted to announce that St Uny C of E Academy are the 2024 Penwith athletics champions! Every performance counted, and every athlete put 100% into each event. We were so proud of the team work, resilience and determination displayed by each child - you can see how many medals were won by looking at the photo! We are very proud of everyone that took part, well done!
Super Swimming Gala!
Earlier this month children from Year 5 and 6 attended a swimming gala at St Ives Leisure Centre. They competed in both individual and team races against other schools in the local area. Fantastic sportsmanship and determination was seen throughout the morning. The children gained a number of gold, silver and bronze medals for their races. St Uny finished third overall! Well done to everyone who took part.
Thank you to our team of dedicated staff who work tirelessly to ensure our pupils enjoy fantastic learning experiences. We are proud of all that the children have achieved and would like to thank the parents / carers for their continued support. Mr Hoskins - Head of School