Book Creator

"I'm Sorry _______" Original Poems

by Lisa Mims

Pages 2 and 3 of 12

I'm Sorry _______________!
Our apologies to inanimate objects!
Original poems from Room 5 Scholars
I know it must be hard 
For you to be
a basketball

It must be hard
For someone to play with you
Every single day
And hurt you so many ways

It must be hard
For someone to bounce you
up and down
and then you pop

For That
I am sorry
But I ask you
How would I play basketball?

I know it must be hard
for you to be
a controller.

It must be hard
being smashed once in a while,
or thrown,
or having buttons all over you.

It must be hard
having your buttons pushed everyday,
having your joysticks be moved around everyday.

It must be hard
having to be taken apart and put back together every once in a while,
getting broken,
and smashed into other objects sometimes.

It also must be hard
to not be used for ages,
to be forgotten.
For that
I am sorry
But I ask you,
How would I play video games?
I know it must be hard
For you to be
a phone

It must be hard
To be used everyday 
Using up all of your energy.

It must be hard
To start overheating
Because you've been used
All day.

It also must be hard
To be buzzing at random
Points of the day.
For that
I am sorry
But I ask you
How would I contact friends?
I know it must be hard 
For you to be 
a shoe. 
It must be hard 
Being squashed.

It must be hard 
Having your face be
stepped on.

It must be hard
Being thrown in the closet.
It also must be hard 
Sitting in the store waiting to be bought.

For that
I am sorry.
But I ask,
What would be on our feet when it rains? 
I know it must be hard
For you to be
A stuffed animal.

It must be hard
Having your stuffing torn 
Out of you by a 
Pet every day.

It must be hard
To be tossed around when
Someone is making
Their bed.

It also must be hard 
To get multiple
Stains on your nice furry body.

For that
I am sorry
But I ask you
Who would I cuddle with?
I know it must be hard
For you to be 
a computer.

It must be hard
having your keys being hit really hard all the time.
It must be hard
to be slammed shut at the end of the day.

It also must be hard
to always have things dropped on you 
or you getting dropped.

For that
I am sorry
But I ask you
How will I get my online assignments done?

I know it must be hard 
For you to 
Be plastic cup
It must be hard 
Having people drink out of you 
Every single day.

It must be hard 
for you to have to go in the trash
And get hurt
Like you have no feelings.

It also must be hard 
To get cut up 
For school projects
And art classes. 

For that 
I am sorry
How would I drink water then?
