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Transition Planning Book

by Jessi Lalonde

Pages 8 and 9 of 11


40 hours volunteer
List options - Morningstar mission, habitat for humanity, 2nd hand store, food banks, coffee cart at kgh, retirement homes, custodial jobs, volunteer in other classes (kindergarten), volunteer with business, community events, helping family friends,
What did you do?
Why did you choose this?
How did you get there?
How did you help?
What would have happened if you weren’t there.
How did you feel about it?
Who did you meet?
What did you learn about?
Will you continue?
Peer tutoring
Country style
Tim hortons
Dollar stores
Home hardware/depot
Local schools
Sandy pines
Community living
Coffee club
Seniors residence
Custodial jobs
Office jobs

When, how long, with who, how do you get there, what do you like about it, dislike, would you want to work there, what did you learn about the business, what did you learn about yourself, what happens when you’re not there - call in sick, what do you bring, do you get paid, how much would you get paid if it was paid,
Job experiences
In and out of school
Paid and non paid

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