Book Creator

Fun And Learning At The Same Time?!?

by Alexandria Veitch


Oregon field school 2018-19
I am looking forward to doing the Highlife adventures because...
I am excited to see an elk because it’s the animal that really represents Oregon. Also, I’ve never seen one in person, sure I’ve seen deer, but they are not exactly the same. I hope to see one at the Northwest Trek Wildlife park.
Oregon Day 1
Today, it was the bus ride that was the greatest (and longest) part of the day. We were either jamming on to some music or sleeping mostly.
Rhiann, Ally and I trying to be elephants! 🐘
The Astoria Column
The Astoria Column is 125 feet tall and is covered on the outside by a Sgraffito that depicts history of this area.
This was a moment of my life that certainly changed my world view. It was a summer day up Indian arm, we went to go play on these floating things on the water near a friends house. I climbed one (as you can see) and got my ankle stuck in one of the handles. I was hanging from there for quite a while. I told my friend to go get some help, she went to get her dad. He kayaked there and started to climb the floating object that I was hanging from, it started to tip while i was still on it, it was falling on me. I was almost completely exposed to water, thankfully, I had a life jacket on which really helped me. My friends dad had no choice but to rip the handle off so I could get out.