Book Creator


by Małgorzata Ira

Pages 2 and 3 of 24

Effects and results of cooperation
The Montessori method - what is it about? 

What are its main assumptions?

The main assumptions of the Maria Montessori method are:

No system of penalties and awards, including evaluation
The method emphasizes the child's freedom as well as developing internal motivation to learn and self-control. The discipline of the individual does not result from the fear of punishment, but from the internal, natural need for development.

Create an atmosphere of friendship and camaraderie
There is no competition between children in the Montessori method. They learn from each other, support and help each other. Children decide for themselves where, what and how long they want to study at a given moment. They can move freely around the room. They work individually or in small groups.
Clem Montessori Sticker by Clementoni
There are children of different ages in the group or in the class, from three consecutive years
Children learn at their own pace and the curriculum is personalized as each child is different and has different needs, abilities and interests. Teaching methods are adapted to their age. In kindergarten and in the younger classes, concrete and practical activities dominate, while in the older ones the emphasis is on abstract thinking.

The teacher's task is to support, help and provide appropriate teaching aids to his students
The main task of the teacher is to follow the child and help him discover and develop his individual talents. He is a guide, he does not judge, criticize or urge children.
Formation Montessori Sticker by oumaya45

Order and no randomness.
There should be order in the place where a child is studying, and each subject has a fixed place. There are also special teaching aids at the children's disposal, selected in a very thoughtful way, so as to attract the attention of students and enable them to undertake many different activities. At the kindergarten stage, most Montessori aids replace the usual toys.
Montessori Bambini Sticker by Ecoalternativa
During the project implementation, we worked on common products and developed the ability to acquire, acquire and process new knowledge and skills. The produced materials can be used as visual aids in the future for conducting classes. Materials prepared jointly by the partners can help in organizing non-standard classes, introducing or consolidating knowledge. They create a wide range of opportunities for creative education, transferring and checking knowledge in an interesting and liked way by students.

The basic assumption of the project was to enable children to act independently, seek solutions and enjoy success through motor, emotional, social, spiritual and intellectual development. An equally important issue was to enable students to learn through active work, through their own experiences and using as many senses as possible.
An important part of Montessoria Pedagogy is the original set of teaching aids called Montessoria material. It is characterized by simplicity, precision and aesthetics of workmanship. Each help is built according to the principle of gradation of difficulty and includes the possibility of independent control by the child. These specific features of Montessori didactic materials enable the child to act independently. All the material is logically related to each other, it is an integral whole.

The basis of this project was well-organized cooperation and a clearly defined action plan, which the partners jointly and consistently implemented. Its main focus was on specific activities, including the preparation of teaching material proposals.
Kids Decoracao Sticker by Organize Mobile
The developed development material was grouped into the following sections:
1. Practical exercises in everyday life - the effect of working with this material is developing motor coordination, active action, learning specific skills, e.g. tying shoes, dressing, folding drapes and other self-service activities, as well as the ability to cooperate in a group.
2. Developing the senses - this material introduced students to the world of concepts, dimensions, solids and surfaces. He taught to distinguish colors, tastes, smells, sounds, and thus educated individual senses.
3. Math education.
4. Aids for language education enabling learning to write and read.
5. Cosmic education - learning about the natural world, the rules governing it, including learning to protect the environment in which we live.






Students had the opportunity to create and arrange puzzles from the resulting projects.
High School Help Sticker by CBeebies HQ