Book Creator

Jack and his football Team

by Brayden Jacks and Josh Tornillo

Pages 2 and 3 of 10

 Their he was, standing in the middle of his school about to wander around in school waiting for his first period to start when he saw students wearing tucked in uniforms and unique shoes. He could see the whole football team practicing on the other side getting ready for their big game tonight. 
Jack started watching then saying to himself that he could do it that he could make it on that team he said and play on a big field. So he sat and watched the whole football team while sitting on wet bleachers on the sides of the field. and noticed that there are big players on the team twice the size of jack.  
Jack realized and saw a kid the size of him handing out water and cold towels to the players. When his first period bell rang he found a book about the schools football team and read more about it which made him start to try to play one day
The whole football team making fun of Jack when he asks if he can practice with them before their game. They make fun of him because they think he is way to small to play in their games. Some of the other players hands are the size of Jacks face!