Book Creator

Geoff's bean biography

by Max Devine


Geoff Beanish
His date of birth/name/place of birth
Name: His name is Geoff Beanish
Date of birth: 25 July 1994
Place of birth: Naeb Centre in Beancastle in Beansland
Personal life
His parents were: Jennifer Beanish and Tom Beanish. Geoff, their son, was a shy, bean-loving person who had a strange adoration to beans. Once Geoff had had a wonderful childhood at poepl ewhol ovedba kedbe ans primary and super bak edbeans high school, he had began to follow his dreams towards baked beans in Beanish university and got his dream job at Heinz. Geoff had got a wife at the age 25. Her name is spaghetti. She had spaghetti like hair like Geoff had bean like hair. They got twins that their hair looked like their parents.

Education and Occupation
He educated at a high school and college and got a degree in beanamaitics and beanence. He got 2 degrees in beanence and 3 degrees in Beanamatics and 2 degrees in Beantology.
"I got it with 2 degrees"
Important life events
- Gets born
- Has first beans
- Starts to love Beans
- Adores Beans at 3 yrs old
- Gets a fridge full of beans in his bedroom
- Gets degrees in different bean related subjects
- Gets head of innovation at Heinz
- Gets twins who love beans
Areas of achievement
-He won the Nobel prize for beans
-He won the Guinness for the most pound of beans eaten and the most bean cans opened
-He won a school award for making the best beans
-He won the best bean maker of the year
-He won the most flavours of beans created
-He won the award for the most bean related awards
And many more…
Well done for eating the most pounds of beans

Geoff Beanish