Book Creator

Obstacles and Stepping Stones

by Tara Nyati

Pages 4 and 5 of 33

Soon I began to see my prediction come true. They drove their hot air balloon towards the door and took off to seek their adventures. “Now I and my wife are left in this house and rent is getting higher too! What will we do?” I thought. “Should we move?” I asked my wife

“Yes! That way we would not have to pay so much money!” She said wearing a big smile 

Then I questioned myself and my wife, out loud “We are living perfectly in this house, things might be different there, right? Our whole life will change, we might not eat the same food or wear the same clothes! We will not have enough money to buy the house cause I retired!”
I sighed and turned to go to my room. I climbed up the wooden spiral stairs, they creaked, moaned and rattled. Once I reached the top, I looked up at my clock hanging on my wall, it was slightly tilted to the left. I went to fix it, it was 8:00 PM. I walked towards my small table in the corner of my room it was old and rusted, I had a photo of my kids on it, the photo leaned against the dusty cracked wall. I plopped down on my bed and looked out the window, I could see a black canvas with yellow dots painted on it. I put my head down on my pillow, it sank in. My eyes closed and I fell asleep to the noise of the second hand ticking tick tick tick.
I sighed and turned to go to my room. I climbed up the wooden spiral stairs, they creaked, moaned and rattled. Once I reached the top, I looked up at my clock hanging on my wall, it was slightly tilted to the left. I went to fix it, it was 8:00 PM. I walked towards my small table in the corner of my room it was old and rusted, I had a photo of my kids on it, the photo leaned against the dusty cracked wall. I plopped down on my bed and looked out the window, I could see a black canvas with yellow dots painted on it. I put my head down on my pillow, it sank in. My eyes closed and I fell asleep to the noise of the second hand ticking tick tick tick.