Book Creator

Class 1 - spring 1

by Suzanne Niblock


Class 1 - Spring 1 2022
We returned from our lovely Christmas break to see that the weather had started to change. We realised that we were now in the season of Winter. We talked about what we could see, feel and hear and what winter meant to us.
animals going to sleep - hibernating
migrating birds flying away to somewhere warm
Christmas - lots of presents
frost -shiny on our cars
no leaves on the trees
cold - I need my hat and scarf
snow - sledges and snow angels
hot chocolate - yum yum!
ice - hard and shiny
We made lots of snowflakes in the creative area. Look at our cutting skills and the beautiful sparkles.
fires - to keep us toasty
Winter Walk
This is an evergreen - it is forvever green.
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This has no leaves anymore.  The tree is sleeping and getting ready for spring.
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We went on a Winter walk to see if we could spot some of these changes in our school grounds. It was very cold and started to hail. We loved trying to catch it on our tongue and hands.
It has gone - the ice has melted on my tongue.
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Our Class Tree
On our walk we looked at our class Silver Birch and saw that it had lost all its leaves. We decided it must be a deciduous tree - a very tricky word we are trying hard to remember.

When we came back to class we used our observational skills to draw it. We used different types and thickness of pen to represent how the truck, branches and twigs changed in size.
PE - Dance
This half term we have been getting funky and groovy creating a dance based on the theme of 'Toys'. To start with we thought of some moves to represent how different toys move. Can you guess them from these short video clips?
high & low positions
fast & slow movements
Today we received a surprise present. We tried to work out what it could be and came up with lots of words to describe how it felt.
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not bendy
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