Book Creator

We are Bug Hunters

by Suzanne Niblock

Pages 2 and 3 of 23

Class 1 - Spring 2
We are
Bug Hunters
After a very unusual start to 2021 it has been lovely to have all the children back in school and to begin this terms topic 'We are Bug Hunters'.
Using the works of Eric Carle as our focus we have been very busy learning all about bugs and insects.
We have had lots of fun painting, building, designing, playing with and learning all about them - as you can see!
As a start to our topic, Class 1 became Bug Hunters. They explored outdoor spaces, looking in the plants and under logs, for some mini beasts. We were amazed to see so many woodlice and some very fat worms.
Bug Hunting
We were very intrigued when we took delivery of some caterpillars. They arrived in a pot with some special food. Over the next few days we watched them as they grew and made their chrisalids. I wonder what type of butterfly will emerge? Look at the following life cycle to see some of the photographs that we took.
Life cycle of a butterfly
We listened to some music which told the story of a butterfly's life cycle. Can you watch the clips and guess what it happening from our movements?
After sharing lots of different story and information books about bugs we found lots of different ways to show some of the things we had learned.
and lots and lots of butterflies