Book Creator

My Summer Fun Part 5

by Miss Wheaton


My Summer Fun - Part 5
In this book you will find lots of fun things that you can do together as a family over the summer break. They will include art and craft activities, science experiments you can do at home, Forest School activities and brilliant books you can share with your family.

Don't forget to take lots of photos to post on either Tapestry or Seesaw so your new class teacher and teaching assistant can see what you have been getting up to!
Page 4 - Outdoor Learning - worm hunt
Page 6 - Arts and Crafts - draw with Rob
Page 8 - Science Fun - baking soda balloons
Page 10 - Learning About the Past - meet the Wright brothers
Page 12 - Staying Active and Keeping Fit
Page 13 - Fun and games for all the family
Page 14 - Recommended Summer Reads - Year R
Page 15 - Recommended Summer Reads - Year 1
Page 16 - Recommended Summer Reads - Year 2
Page 17 - Fun and Games!
Forest School and Outdoor Learning

Worm Hunt

You will need: string, wool or pipe cleaners, scissors
1) Cut the different coloured string, wool or Pipe-cleaners into short lengths. These are your worms.
2) Give each person playing a certain amount each (3 is a good number).
4) Set a boundary and then everyone should go and hide their worms. Remember where you have hidden them! When everyone has hidden theirs, come back together as a group.
5) Set a time limit and everyone should go and find as many worms as they can – do not collect your own!
6) When the time is up, come back together and see who found the most. After that, go back to where you hid yours and see if all of your worms were found…
Arts and Craft

Draw with Rob
You will need: paper and pens and/ or coloured pencils.