Book Creator

Jews of Michigan

by Hillel's 4th Grade

Pages 4 and 5 of 46

Daniel Aisner
Ezekiel Solomon.
I chose to write about Ezekiel Solomon. Ezekiel Solomon came to Mackinaw City Michigan in 1761 and he was fur trader. He was important to the Jewish people because he was the first Jewish settler and fur trader in Michigan. Ezekiel Solomon contributed to society by providing supplies to the British Army. Ezekiel Solomon connected to Judaism by being an active member and supporter of his Synagogue in Montreal when he lived there during the winters.

If I could meet Ezekiel Solomon my question would be what was it like to be the only Jewish Family on an island where no one else was Jewish.
Neta Arieli

Annetta Thelma Miller

Annetta Thelma was born in september 1921. In 1944 Annetta decided to join the army as a nurse since she had a degree in nursing. At that time almost all her classmates were getting married but she said she had to do what had to be done,no matter the challenges. She did not feel it was necessary to travel the “usual route”.I wonder if someone got mad at her because of her choices.

When she came back to the U.S.A she moved to Dearborn Michigan and later on she moved with her family to Huntington Woods. In Michigan she served for 24 years in the State Board of Education. On the board she promoted vocational education, health education and health services in Michigan schools.

She has been passionate about learning other cultures and about understanding people in all parts of the world, in order to transmit her concern for world peace and promote justice.