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Postcards from the Window Ledge - Notes from the days of Covid-19

by by: Grade 5 and Grade 6, St. Leonard School, Manotick, Ontario, Canada

Pages 6 and 7 of 20

Hey people from the future!

You probably have heard of the coronavirus, because, well it’s pretty big during the time I’m writing this. I’m going to describe what it was like living during social distancing. What that means is you’re not allowed to be near people. Or at least, you have to be 2 meters apart. Basically, going outside means not coming in contact with a person, and if you do, someone you know or love could get sick or maybe even die. Whenever you come back inside, you have to wash your hands vigorously. If you live with the elderly or the immunocompromised, then you have to be even more careful. What I’m getting at,is that you should be grateful that you can go outside, hang out with friends and even go to the park, knowing that you won’t get fined $750.

Anyways, stay safe, Jaisal
Future Friend!
post card
Animals on the loose!

Hey people from the future the covid 19 pandemic has made humans go inside! animals are no longer fearing humans and going outside the forest and taking a stroll on the road! It's pretty cool! The animals are peaceful and not hurting anyone. This is happening all over the world and during social distancing its pretty fun to watch.

Anyway goodbye from the past,
-Tykie Fountotos 2020