Book Creator

The Splash - Spring Term 2

by Steph Smeeth

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The Splash!
Bude Primary Academy Junior's
Celebration Bulletin
Spring Term 2 - Monday 28th February to Friday 8th April
Introduction with Mrs Robinson
We are incredibly proud of this half term’s Splash – school just gets better and better! 

We have enjoyed so much with a very busy curriculum. 

Inside you will see children learning how to be scientists, historians, artists, architects, golfers, first aiders, fundraisers, conservationists, writers, poets, computer programmers, leaders and much much more. 

Seeing the children excel and grow in confidence through unlocking their potential is what makes working in education worthwhile.  Happy Easter to one and all. 
School House Event
Our first house event was a great success!

The children spent the morning collaborating with children from their house team completing a range of activities. They first got to know some of the other children that form part of their house, the Red Crabs, the Yellow Octopuses, the Green Turtles and the Blue Dolphins. They then constructed their own eco-friendly plant pots and planted their own sunflower seed. Most classes then had time to complete some sunflower mindful colouring and played some rather competitive BINGO! What a fabulous morning! 
Well done to the Green Turtles, the house captains and vice captains will get together to decide on your reward after the Easter break. 
Total house points so far: 
Blue Dolphins - 715
Red Crabs - 845
Yellow Octopuses - 682
Green Turtles - 1,012
Poppy Class
Well, my oh my what an incredibly busy and full of learning fun term we've had - despite the odd hurricane and tropical storm or 3!
Firstly, thank you to our wonderful pupils, amazingly supportive parents and simply superb staff.
In and out of class we have attended and celebrated many special events including (big deep breath in!) watching a Jack and the Beanstalk production, creating yummy pizzas, participating in the RSPB bird watch, conducting minibeasts and their habitats nature searches on the field and in the woods, creating Mother's Day potted flowers and pottery, Valentine's Day cards and Chinese New Year tigers as well as tossing pancakes, World Book Day dressing up and stories, Red Nose Day, the Explorer Dome and Easter egg hunts! Phew - it's no wonder the Poppy staff team are exhausted!
In addition, we have continued with our daily circle times, phonics, reading, spelling, number and shape learning; weekly soft-play, PE and song choices and have had just about enough time to immerse ourselves in our ball pool and a range of gloopy play activities, visit the Infants school and also bike, trike and scoot on the big playground!
Each week we have celebrated our pupil certificate winners for achievements such as story reading in front of the class, superb communication progress, helping other pupils, good manners and excellent attitudes to all areas of our learning. 
Indeed, all these attributes are the foundation of our expectations in Poppy Class and we look forward to their continuation during the longer days of our warmer summer months.
Take good care and have a happy and safe break.
Crooklets Class
Year three have had a brilliant half term. In English, we have written our own version of Stone Age Boy - Bronze Age boy. The whole class have worked so hard and their has been a huge improvement in handwriting and use of punctuation. The children are continuing to develop their skills as reflective learners and this has really shown as they have edited and improved their writing.   
In Maths, we have worked hard learning about perimeter and measures in general. I have been really impressed with the progress everyone has made in the area. We have also been working hard to learn our 3 and 4 times tables, using I’m still standing and up Town funk to help us – ask your children for a rendition!  
In science we have been exploring all things forces and magnet. Attracting, repelling, pushes, pulls, contact and non-contact. We have LOVED planting our beans and seeing if magnets affect their growth. We are still looking for patterns, buuuuut it looks as though magnets helped the beans germinate faster. We are now waiting to see if the plants growth is stronger with either. What incredible things magnets really are! 
We have learnt all about the stone age and how things changed significantly for people during this time. The class have been fascinated by the idea of such revolutionary new technologies, like the wheel, changing things so vastly! 