Book Creator


by Lakhi Daniels

Pages 4 and 5 of 25

Make vulgar noises, talk about girls
what have you.
The small guy 
right next to me.
Short brown hair, brown eyes, and small black glasses.
Pipes up.
“Hey who do you like in this school”.
The usual I need to know,  topic.
My mind was lowkey racing trying to find any girl name 
instead blurted a name out.
Someone the same sex as mine.
Someone who I didn’t think could 
love me back.
As soon as those words fell out,
a storm of laughter.
My face is red.

Word spread like wildfire,
always thinking it would stop,
no water was able to put out this embarrassment.
Time flew out of lunch, 
flew out of math,
and out of chorus.
Everything stopped,
but it never truly
I'm done, I feel tired.
In this class 
I sit at my desk thinking, 
a pencil in my hand and a 
30-page packet
blank and untouched.
 School isn’t what it used to be.
Engaging and hands-on. 
Never getting the classes you actually want.
“Sorry You tested below grade level last year”
“Your score said this. I suggest these classes”.
My motivation was lost,
my agitation gained —
Beginning to fail. 
The look of disappointment 
became natural to my mom.
Long nights of crying, yelling, and paper and pencils.
Tear soaked paper,
and 11 pm bedtimes.
It was time for a change.
Switched schools.
Said my goodbyes.
I’ll see them again someday, 
but I needed a school that I could benefit from.