Book Creator

Year 2 Transition Book

by Luke Rees

Pages 2 and 3 of 17

Bugle School
Transition 2020
We understand that these unprecedented times have meant that your child will not have been able to take part in their normal transition day.

We hope this booklet will help support them and make them feel more relaxed and confident about September.

The aims of this document are to tell you a little bit more about your class teacher, how school might be different and what your classroom might look like.
Year 2 - Teacher - Ms Atkins and Mrs Cocks
Job sharing:
It is often difficult when a class has a job share (two teachers who teach a class). We have worked hard this year to ensure that there will be a smooth transition between the two teachers. Ms Atkins will teach Monday and Tuesday. Mrs Cocks will teach Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
The government has stated that it is their intention for all children in Year 2 to sit their end of KS1 SATs. These happen for two weeks at the end of May. As your children missed the phonics screening test, it is possible that they will be asked to complete this assessment this year. As we are given more information, we will share it with you.
How will school look?
School will look very similar to how it always has. There may be some parts of the school that look different. Have a look at the images below and see if you can spot what it new?
The lines are 2m apart to help you keep your distance.
Reception Class
Speech Bubble
Speech Bubble
There are some places we aren't allowed to go.
You might enter the school through a new door. Every class will have their own special entrance!
Reception Class
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Speech Bubble
Year 5
Year 6
Video tour of how the school will look
To help you understand how school will look, watch the short video below.