Book Creator

John Cabot

by Annie McCarron

Pages 4 and 5 of 13

Day 15
I made it to land and I shall call it New Found land. I met with some of the people who already live here and I dont think they like me very much. It’s not at all what I remembered Asia looks like. In fact I dont think it’s Asia. I have also noticed that the waters are full of fish. Today was bit of a success but for different reasons than I thought. I am heading back to England to tell King Henry VII the good news.


Day 1
The seas today are super rough. I am here with 300 hundred men and 5 boats. I have been slammed around the ship and my insides are sore. If it continues to get worse I dont think we will make it.

Day 1
The seas today are super rough. I am here with 300 hundred men and 5 boats. I have been slammed around the ship and my insides are sore. If it continues to get worse I dont think we will make it.

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