Book Creator


by Holly Kelly

Pages 4 and 5 of 8

A congratulations to the boys team making it into the quarter finals of the hurling tournament, we are very pleased and proud and hope to see them succeed to the semi finals. One step closer to Croke Park!
Everyone is more the welcome to come to see the boys play at Corcagh Park on the 27th of September. The boys will want all the support they can.
We would like to invite everyone to come down to Áras Cróináin this Saturday 8th of October to support our school fundraiser. All money collected will be contributed to the new building we plan to have built next year. We will appreciate anything.
There will be a 5 euro fee in (children under 12 come free!). There will be drinks and snacks available to buy, a lovely show 4th and 5th class have created to perform for you all and a raffle with fantastic prizes available including a 500 euro all for one voucher as first prize!

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