Book Creator

The Cry

by Zara O'Leary

Pages 2 and 3 of 21

The Cry
Zara O'Leary
It was nearly midnight and me and my friends were walking home from a party at Daqotah ’s house, we were laughing and talking as we walked.

We headed down Balmoral and that's when we first saw it the house everyone told us to stay away from, the house everyone feared. We stood and stared for a while, the house was old and run down, the cladding was broken and falling off. The paint was peeling off the window frames. The windows were dark and cracked, you could see faint silhouettes of furniture in the background. The curtains were torn and faded.
eventually Jordyn said “let’s go check it out, see if the rumors are true. Come on don’t be a pussy”
“Are you sure I don’t know about this. That house looks kind of dodgy,” I replied.
“Come on Zara”, she said and then ran off up the path. I wasn’t sure if I Should follow her or stay behind and wait for her to return. I decided to follow her just in case something happened to her.
I cautiously walked up the gravel path.

Either side was overgrown and littered with rubbish and other junk like old chairs and full rubbish bags. We walked up the front steps they were slippery and covered in moss.

I carefully stepped onto the porch it was partially rotten. I slowly walked towards the front door and was just about to ring the doorbell when the front door swung open. Jordy ran inside, I slowly followed.

As soon as we stepped over the threshold the door and windows slammed shut and locked. I panicked and ran to the door and windows and tried to open them but it was no use we were trapped!! I started to wonder if we would ever get out, what if we were trapped in here forever!

Meanwhile, Jordyn was already starting to look around. She was standing in front of an old wooden bookcase admiring all the
ancient books. I glanced around the room we were standing in and realised it was just as bad as the exterior. The wallpaper was ripped and faded, the carpet was old and worn
I cautiously walked up the gravel path.

Either side was overgrown and littered with rubbish and other junk like old chairs and full rubbish bags. We walked up the front steps they were slippery and covered in moss.

I carefully stepped onto the porch it was partially rotten. I slowly walked towards the front door and was just about to ring the doorbell when the front door swung open. Jordy ran inside, I slowly followed.

As soon as we stepped over the threshold the door and windows slammed shut and locked. I panicked and ran to the door and windows and tried to open them but it was no use we were trapped!! I started to wonder if we would ever get out, what if we were trapped in here forever!

Meanwhile, Jordyn was already starting to look around. She was standing in front of an old wooden bookcase admiring all the
ancient books. I glanced around the room we were standing in and realised it was just as bad as the exterior. The wallpaper was ripped and faded, the carpet was old and worn
and there were a few pieces of furniture that looked like no one had used them in years.

Just then I heard a phone ringing, it sounded like it was coming from down the hallway. I followed the sound to an old phone, one of those ones that hang on the wall with a dial. I picked up and answered “ hello, is anyone there?,” I asked, there was no answer, “hello”

“Why have you come here?”, snapped a mysterious voice.
A chill ran down my spine, who was this person, what did they want with us. I stayed silent waiting for him to speak again the voice spoke but this time quieter, “you need to go! There are things in that house, dangerous things, things that can and will hurt you!”, and with that he hung up.
She said she was reading the diary of a girl named Ruth who was about the same age as us. She used to live here and it looks like she's written about lots of strange things she's noticed lurking in the shadows like possessed objects and strange mythological beings.

"It looked like the last entry was 50 years ago today after that there are no other entries".
I snatched the book off her hoping to find a hidden entry or something else to clarify the sightings, I skimmed through the pages of the book but found nothing. Just when I was about to give up, I noticed a small folded piece of paper poking out the side of the book.
I removed the paper it was old and creased. I carefully unfolded it and was amazed at what I saw, It was an old newspaper article and this is what it read…

I put the phone back in its place and ran to the living room to tell Jordyn about the mysterious voice.

When I got to the lounge I found jordyn with her head in a book, classic Jordy even when we are trapped in what is said to be a haunted house she just can’t resist the urge to read.
I told her about what the person said to me then I asked her about what she was reading.
She said she was reading the diary of a girl named Ruth who was about the same age as us. She used to live here and it looks like she's written about lots of strange things she's noticed lurking in the shadows like possessed objects and strange mythological beings.

"It looked like the last entry was 50 years ago today after that there are no other entries".
I snatched the book off her hoping to find a hidden entry or something else to clarify the sightings, I skimmed through the pages of the book but found nothing. Just when I was about to give up, I noticed a small folded piece of paper poking out the side of the book.
I removed the paper it was old and creased. I carefully unfolded it and was amazed at what I saw, It was an old newspaper article and this is what it read…
A Young Girl Died A Mysterious Death at her house last night.
 The local police department received many reports of strange sightings at a house on Balmoral. The neighbors recall hearing strange noises coming from the house late at night and seeing weird multicolored lights in the basement, one person said they even saw a weird snake like monster appear in one of the windows.

The police thought it was probably just a house party but went to check it out anyway. When they got there they knocked on the door, no one answered the door was open so they went in, it didn’t look like anyone was home.

They checked the down stairs and then went upstairs to find the girl dead in her bed. Investigators came the next day to inspect the scene, they worked for hours on end but still couldn’t find an explanation for the young girls death. This morning the body was removed from her bed and buried in the basement of the house so the girl would always be close to home. 
“This is so weird, maybe this is what the man was trying to warn us about?” said Jordy
“Why don’t we go explore the house, see if we can find another way out! We should start down here and then go upstairs. "Let's hurry we don’t want to end up like that girl Ruth” I replied.

We quickly searched the down stairs, all the windows were bolted shut just like the ones in the living room. Just as we were about to finish we heard crying coming from upstairs so we went to check it out. When we got up stairs we couldn’t figure out where it was coming from, it was like it was coming from somewhere in the walls.

We followed the sound of crying to a room that looked like it used to be a girls room. I figured it must have been Ruth's room because there was still a faded hot pink duvet on the bed and a collection of dolls sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. That's when I noticed that one of the dolls was holding a folded piece of paper. I pointed it out to Jordyn who was checking the window to see if it was still open but it wasn’t.
“This is so weird, maybe this is what the man was trying to warn us about?” said Jordy
“Why don’t we go explore the house, see if we can find another way out! We should start down here and then go upstairs. "Let's hurry we don’t want to end up like that girl Ruth” I replied.

We quickly searched the down stairs, all the windows were bolted shut just like the ones in the living room. Just as we were about to finish we heard crying coming from upstairs so we went to check it out. When we got up stairs we couldn’t figure out where it was coming from, it was like it was coming from somewhere in the walls.

We followed the sound of crying to a room that looked like it used to be a girls room. I figured it must have been Ruth's room because there was still a faded hot pink duvet on the bed and a collection of dolls sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. That's when I noticed that one of the dolls was holding a folded piece of paper. I pointed it out to Jordyn who was checking the window to see if it was still open but it wasn’t.
Jordyn picked it up and read it aloud "find me and you'll find your way out" I didn't get what it meant, but Jordyn did "what if Ruth is the one crying and we have to follow the crying get to Ruth

“OK then but we don’t know where it’s coming from so how are we going to find her?”
“Good point. Hold on! Look there’s Green goo on the corner of the paper and there’s some on the door maybe if we follow the goo stains we will find where she’s hiding. Let’s go.” We followed the goo until the trail ended at the basement door, we hesitated for a second scared at the thought of what might be down there.

We cautiously opened the door and then went down the stairs, it was pitch black and there was no sign of a light switch anywhere. When we reached the bottom of the stairs, we could see a faint light in the corner of the room we slowly walked over to it. As we moved towards the light we realised that it was not just a light it was a person
“Why yes I am ” She replied 
“We found you so aren’t you going to let us go”
“ OH you silly children you didn’t really think it would be that easy did you, were never going to let you out. You see I’ve been trapped in this house for 50 years and me and my friends have been getting hungry, just then hundreds of creatures stepped out of the shadows. Among them were 20 fierce gnomes with razor sharp teeth, a dozen snake looking monsters with large knife like fangs. 

Before we even knew what was happening it all went black, the last thing I saw was Ruth smiling grimly as she watched me and Jordyn being eaten alive by her wicked little friends.
To this day Ruth is still lurking in the house on Balmoral, waiting for another pair of helpless people like Jordyn and Zara to come and play with her.
we had done it. We’d found her we were going or at least we thought we were. The person started to glow and all of a sudden transformed into what looked like an old woman, the lady looked around 60. “Are you Ruth ?” Jordyn asked the woman 