Book Creator

Recording audio for the #mfltwitterati podcast with Padlet and SpeakPipe

by Joe Dale


Recording audio for the #mfltwitterati podcast with Padlet and SpeakPipe
By Joe Dale
This guide is designed to walk you through the process of audio recording in Padlet using iOS or Android devices and the web tool SpeakPipe.

Padlet is a free cross-platform noticeboard app which is great for users to post multimedia messages. It has recently added voice recording as an option which makes it straightforward now for listeners of the #mfltwitterati podcast to send us their reflections.

There are four Padlets we've created.

1. Episode Feedback Padlet for feedback or ideas relating to something in a specific episode.

2. MFL Show and Tell Padlet - a place for you to share a tech or non-tech idea that you've used in the classroom and have found successful.

3. Interview Padlet - This is for use by people who we have arranged to do more formal interviews with.
4. Roving Reporter Padlet - This is designed for those people who are out and about at events or who are going to an event in the near future and either want to say something about it, or give a review or maybe you bumped into someone who you'd like to do a mini-interview with.