Book Creator

Alla ricerca del senso perduto vol2 ENG

by Federica Scarrione

Pages 2 and 3 of 15

Planet TASTE
And now… if you want to keep on travelling with us in the infinite space of fantasy, pay attention: you will be left speechless just like the characters of our story were when they landed on the Planet Taste, because once you get there you will never want to leave.
The streets, squares and houses were full of every delight for the palate; you could find the milk square, the flour square, the sugar square, the salt square and finally the olive oil square. And what about the streets: the streets were made of candy, chocolate, biscuits, cakes and pastries... Now you can imagine why no one wants to leave this sweet and delicious planet!
In fact, our heroes themselves were tempted to stay there for a short time and forget about their mission and the Earth, but they knew that this could never happen, because not bringing taste back to Earth would be harmful to mankind. Food is essential for the life of every living being.

The protector and guardian of this Planet is King Foodie, a chubby man with an apple-shaped face, who wore a “Pandoro” crown on his head and had a golden heart. 
This king was very greedy and therefore demanding. In fact, to satisfy his big stomach, he had looked for the best chef on the planet, a five- star chef!!! 
The cook, named Food Lover, unlike the King, was tall and thin like a stick, his hair was straight and long like spaghetti and had a bit of a ridiculous hat, very similar to a banana helmet. Even his personality was the opposite of his majesty’s! In fact, he was unpleasant, crabby and when he spoke he was so snooty! Even Dog, who usually welcomed everyone by wagging his tail and barking energetically, stood still staring at the two children, who thought: “Oh gosh, this is a bad sign!”
However, Max surprisingly revealed to his adventure companions that he was an excellent and well prepared cook. Besides, once they came across the king of this galaxy, they repeatedly begged him to return with them to Earth but they were not successful. At this point, they proposed a challenge: they would create a dish with an unforgettable and innovative taste, enough to beat the starred chef.
The latter, full of himself and therefore sure of his victory, didn’t work hard to create a special dish for his king because he knew that no one would be able to beat him. Instead, the three heroes searched together for a possible solution and, in the end, they came up with an idea: to combine pizza, a food much appreciated by humans, with lollipops, children's favourite treat. That's why the name of the new dish was "Pizzapop". With a recipe that could only be created by teamwork, they transformed their friendship into a magic powder, which they decided to put in their special dish.
Then, the three of them sprinkled the cake with the friendship powder. In this way it was ready to be tasted by the king, who, licking his lips, exclaimed: "Among all the dishes cooked by my chef, this was the only one that made my mouth water, so I thank you all, I will keep my promise and declare you the winners of the challenge. Taste is yours, so you will have the honour and pleasure of taking it back to Earth." The defeated chef remained silent and felt ashamed for not putting in enough effort. Upset, he realised he didn’t know the value of friendship, but after this good lesson, he would appreciate this precious ingredient he didn't know before.
The three heroes, happy to have completed this challenge as well, were ready to set off again with a new sense! 
Planet TACT
Max, Mia and Dog arrived at the galaxy motorway exit on Planet Touch.
There, the toll attendant asked them, with a sarcastic smile: “Are you ‘sensitive’ kids?”; the two of them looked at each other a little confused and left again. While they were parking their spacecraft, they saw a strange road sign saying: “no shoes, socks or slippers are allowed on Planet Touch”.
The kids, curious and more and more puzzled, took off their shoes and got out of the spacecraft.
Not even time to understand why, when they put their feet on the ground, they felt something soft, wet and slushy underneath them: “It’s slime!!!”. Immediately afterwards a strange little man got close to them and said : “ If you want to continue your journey to the other planets, you have to win a challenge: you will move up a level only if you guess what is under your feet - hopefully they aren’t smelly!- and tell me what it feels like”.
Max and Mia were happy and accepted the challenge. The little man added: "I forgot one
important thing. You will be blindfolded and will therefore have to rely on your sense of touch, without using your hands! Are you still convinced?" "Yay!"
So our heroes began the adventure. The course was divided into five levels. The kids stepped into the first square and felt a strange sensation of cool and wet under their feet, as well as something tickling them. They looked at each other and together exclaimed: "It’s grass!".
With that word, the second level opened up. This time the first sensation was hot, almost
burning along with some discomfort: "It’s Sand!". The kids remembered the feeling of sand on the beach under their feet.
Immediately the third square unlocked. They felt something hard, almost sharp. This time they were a bit in trouble, they knew they couldn’t get it wrong: one mistake and their journey into the space of the senses would be over. The little girl remembered that the little man had told them not to use their hands... but not the rest of their skin! So they both lay down, using the skin of their arms and legs. A certain discomfort added to the sensations that they had previously experienced. They also felt different shapes and sizes: pointed, rounded, small, large. They stood up, looked at each other, nodded and said: "Stones!".
When the fourth level opened up, the children dipped their feet into a strange cold liquid, very cold. It almost felt like their feet were being pricked by billions of pins. In the liquid they also felt solid, hard, slippery and icy textures. They knew it was a gamble but decided to say: "Ice!". At that point, the little man reappeared with a sphinx-like face and terrorised the children who thought they had made a mistake. Actually, he wanted to dissuade them from tackling the last level: "Kids, you've been lucky so far, but you shouldn't tempt fate any further. Know that if you get it wrong, all the sensory planets may disappear and no living being on planet Earth will be able to feel anything again!
Hearing this the children felt the weight of responsibility but their trustworthy doggy approached them and spurred them on to continue.