Book Creator


by Mardi Kinsella


The journey of Beebots
What is a beebot?
Beebots are a fun way to integrate coding into younger classrooms. They have basic coding buttons giving the bot directions of forwards, backwards, left, right and pause. They are simple to use and a great way to indroduce direction words to the class, teaching left and right.
the beebots can be used throughout the primary curriculum from maths to geography
Using the beebot

I was very excited when I saw we would be working with these beebots as I had never had the chance to do so before. 
I was introduced to Brunars 3 modes of representation. 
These are Enactive, iconic and symbolic.
We started with the iconic and symbolic stages where we learnt the basics of using the Beebot.
This means looking at photos and using related key words. 
Finally, we moved onto enactive representation where we got the chance to use the Beebots.
Enactive Stage
When I started to use the beebot, I realised the importance of organising teaching as from the previous two stages, I was confident to start my beebots journey.
I practiced using the beebot and quickly got the hang of it. It was fun to programme the beebot and watch as it followed the directions using the code. We then moved on to using the direction cards and learnt to code the bot to move along these cards. this integrated reading and literacy with coding into the classroom and develops problem solving skills
The possibilities for Beebots in the classroom are endless.
Maths: Beebots can be used on top of numbered mats to aid with learning addition and subtraction.
Geography: they can be placed on maps and along road mapsto practice direction and map reading skills.
English: we can use beebots to teach literacy and reading skills as the bots instructional coding words require reading as do the mats.