Book Creator


by Abdullah and Addie

Pages 2 and 3 of 14

By Abdulllah Kohgadai and Adeline Smith
Meet the icthyosaurous 3
Where did the Icthyosuarous live? 4
What does the Icthyosaurous look like 5
The Ichthyosaurs´ Family 6
Whats for lunch? 7
Are we cousins? 8

Quiz 10
The first dinosaur that roamed the earth!!! 9
Glossary 11
Source list 12
Authors Note 13
Meet the Ichthyosaurs!
(Ich-thee-o-saurs) started appearing in the early Jurassic period. In this book you will learn what the Ichthyosaur eats, looks like,its habitat and other facts. Icthyosaurus was a prehistoric marine reptile so don't think Icthyosaurus is alive because it's extinct!
Where did Icthyosaurous live ?
Icthyosaurous lived in parts of England,Germany,Northern France,North America,Canada and Argentina. Icthyosaurous habitat was the deep and shallow water. This has to be were the icthyosaurous roamed because the icthyosaurous had a fast paddle like body to help it swim at very high speeds.
The Icthyosourous could
leap out of the
water completely, like a dolphin.
What does The Ichthyosaurs look like?
Well, The Ichthyosaurs was a very fast swimmer. They had long sharp jaws with small pointy teeth for grabbing it´s prey. The Ichthyosaurs also had a long tail. The Ichthyosaurs had a dorsal triangular fin, and two paddle like fins. The Ichthyosaurs also had a vertical tail like a shark. The Ichthyosaurs had huge eyes that were designed for seeing in the depths of the deep sea. Scientists believe that the Ichthyosaurs was a light pink color or a light blue. Did you know, that some Ichthyosaurs were 12 meters long!!!
The Ichthyosaurs´ family
There are lots of different kinds of Ichthyosaurs like, The Ophthalmosaurus, and The Temnodontodsaurus. Do you have a family with a name that long? Now, time for a question. Is the Ichthyosaurs a dinosaur?... WRONG! The Ichthyosaurs is actually a marine reptile! Scientists believe that a dolphin or, shark are relatives to The Ichthyosaurs, because The Ichthyosaurs tail moves in a up and down motion like a dolphin. The Ichthyosaurs also has really sharp teeth like a shark.
Whats for lunch?
Icthyosaurus lived in water so, it mostly ate fish,shellfish octopus and squid. Unlike other people, Icthyosaurus did not eat pig or cow , it ate the things in its habitat. An Icthyosaurus adaptation was its sharp teeth for cutting up its prey up Another adaptation The Icthyosaurus had was that it hunted using echolocation. Icthyosaurus was a fierce hunter so it must of got it's food very easily.
Are we cousins?
No, we are not cousins. But, you might think, me and dinosaurs have basically nothing income that is why we are not cousins. Well just think... Here I will give a few things that we have income. If you really want to be technical 4 things. 1) We both have 4 limbs, I know what you might be thinking. But some dinosaurs or marine reptiles have fins or flippers, or wings. Well, those are actually limbs just modified into fins, flippers, and wings. 2) We both have 2 eyes. I know what your thinking again, well of course we both have 2 eyes. Well do you think that you are closer to a spider (with 8 eyes) or a dinosaur (or marine reptiles)? (3 Our teeth, our front, are sharp for taring, and our back are flat for grinding. Some dinosaurs or marine reptile's teeth are flat which means that they are a herbivore . But, if there teeth are sharp then they are carnivore (the Ichthyosaurs is a carnivore). So us humans, are a mix of these 2 types of teeth. (4 We both give birth live. Even though The Ichthyosaurs was a marine reptile it was still believed to give birth young. Unlike normal reptiles, which lay eggs.