Book Creator

Social Determinants of Health

by Mlondolozi Goba


Mlondolozi Goba
SSOC 112
Social Determinants of Health
Contents Page
Page 3: Introduction
Page 4: The Podcast
Page 4: What the social determinants of health are?
Page 5-10: How is overall health and wellness influenced by our surroundings and society?
Page 11-12: How apartheid, contributed access to equitable opportunities to health and wellness
Page 12: Conclusion
Page 13-14: Bibliography
The purpose of this assessment is to write an opinionated essay on the topic of Social Determinants of Health with my own perspectives in the community that I reside in. Before proceeding with the essay, I am required to listen to a recorded podcast by Tom Ward when he presented his views and perspectives on the Social Determinants of Health at the TEDx show at Spring Hill College in November 2018 (Ward, 2018). I then have to do research and go into more detail about the topic at hand to expand my knowledge and understanding. I firmly believe that the South African Government is to take the initiative to promote health and safety which is beneficial for a longer duration of living, paying much more attention to the individuals that are currently living in poverty with many disadvantages. The fight has been an ongoing process ever since and even before the apartheid era, whereby underprivileged citizens were fighting for equal rights on health determinants, amongst other issues.
The Podcast
According to Tom Ward (Ward, 2018), the social determinants of health include the accessibility of basic health care, insurance, annual medical check-ups, amongst a whole lot more. The fight for equal health care started with the Civil Rights Movement led by Martin Luther King Jr. in the United States of America, in association with groups, such as the Black Panther, with created health clinics for the blacks and less fortunate(Ward, 2018).
What the social determinants of health are?
According to Anita Rieder (Rieder, 2009), food, basic health care, source of heat, proper housing and water supply, sanitation, and good malnutrition are essentials part of the social determinants of health to prevent danger and diseases from insects, parasites, and animals. These are to find out about any medical conditions that underprivileged individuals face and are not attended to(Pwc, 2019). The determinants are to also find solutions for pollution levels, sewage replacement and safety in general within the communities. Education and job opportunity is also an essential part for the community to have access to.
How is overall health and wellness influenced by our surroundings and society?
Even in the wealthiest countries, the privileged individuals live many more years longer and have fewer illnesses than the underprivileged(Cities, 1998). These differences in health are essential to bring upon justice and equality for all individuals, and also to find about some of the health and wellness influences had from the society and surrounding. People's way of living and circumstances in which they live and work in strongly influence their health in the long run, also determining how long they will live.
1.     Stress
Social and psychological situations may prolong stress for a long-term period. Continued episodes of anxiety, insecurity and lack of control over work and home life influences on health(Influences on Your Health, n.d.). Such social and psychological risks build up during the different stages of life and enhances the chances of poor mental health and premature death. Having anxiety and insecurities for long period of time, and the lack of supportive friendships cause damage during anytime and stages of life as they come(Cities, 1998).
How is overall health and wellness influenced by our surroundings and society?
Even in the wealthiest countries, the privileged individuals live many more years longer and have fewer illnesses than the underprivileged(Cities, 1998). These differences in health are essential to bring upon justice and equality for all individuals, and also to find about some of the health and wellness influences had from the society and surrounding. People's way of living and circumstances in which they live and work in strongly influence their health in the long run, also determining how long they will live.
1.     Stress
Social and psychological situations may prolong stress for a long-term period. Continued episodes of anxiety, insecurity and lack of control over work and home life influences on health(Influences on Your Health, n.d.). Such social and psychological risks build up during the different stages of life and enhances the chances of poor mental health and premature death. Having anxiety and insecurities for long period of time, and the lack of supportive friendships cause damage during anytime and stages of life as they come(Cities, 1998).
2.     Early Life
Important foundations of adulthood health starts at early childhood. Slow intellectual growth and a lack of emotional support during this period will raise the lifelong time risk of poor physical health and reduced physical and emotional functioning in adulthood(HENARES, 2015). Poor social and economic situations also present a threat to when a child grows older and begin the child on a low social and educational path(Cities, 1998).
3.     Social Exclusion
Processes of not being included and the level of being deprived in a society has become a major issue on health and premature death(Flournoy, 2004). The harm to health comes not only from material deprivation but also from the social and psychological problems of living in poverty. There has been an increase in numbers with regard to poverty, unemployment, and being socially excluded as the years goes by. These leads influence to worsen health and increase risks of premature death, as people who have lived most of their lives in poverty suffering a time of bad health(Cities, 1998).