Book Creator

The Story Of The Trade Axe

by Josh Liebert

Pages 4 and 5 of 25

Max asked the man what this was all about. The man in the coat replied “I want that axe you found” the man then spoke again “where is it” the man demanded. Max did not say. Max was wiggling his hand and managed to grab his pocket knife and cut himself free. He sliced the guards leg and pulled the guard to the floor. He then killed the first guard while he stabbed the second. Max grabbed the gun off the floor and shot the other guard. The man in the coat was impressed he congratulated Max but Max was upset he aimed the rifle at the man. Max did not speak he just breathed. Then Max broke the silence, he said “get out!”. The shadowed man did not move. He just laughed, he then pulled out his hand gun and shot max with a tranquilized dart. Max fell to the floor with a thud.
Max woke up with a ringing sound in his head. He looked around and saw to men standing at the door. They had gas masks on and had hand guns in their hands. Then Max fell asleep and woke up in a new land. He was sitting in a wooden chair in a log cabin. At first he thought the man in the trench coat dosed him up with truth drugs, then he realized that he could touch things. He grabbed the axe he had found under the ground. It was sitting on a wooden desk in front of max. He got out of the chair and walked to the door. He looked out at the land scape it was not a place he knew. Max saw a entourage of british soldiers and a few New France farmers. He saw one man that stood out to him. Louis Hébert, a man he had studied. This was the man that owned the axe max was holding. Louis was dead he had to musket shots in his chest. Max thought to himself that means this is the day he died. The day no one knew about.
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Max woke up with a ringing sound in his head. He looked around and saw to men standing at the door. They had gas masks on and had hand guns in their hands. Then Max fell asleep and woke up in a new land. He was sitting in a wooden chair in a log cabin. At first he thought the man in the trench coat dosed him up with truth drugs, then he realized that he could touch things. He grabbed the axe he had found under the ground. It was sitting on a wooden desk in front of max. He got out of the chair and walked to the door. He looked out at the land scape it was not a place he knew. Max saw a entourage of british soldiers and a few New France farmers. He saw one man that stood out to him. Louis Hébert, a man he had studied. This was the man that owned the axe max was holding. Louis was dead he had to musket shots in his chest. Max thought to himself that means this is the day he died. The day no one knew about.
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