Book Creator


by Cara Conlon


By Cara
My Report on Koalas
What is it?
Koalas are marsupials which is a mammal born incompletely.
Where do they live?
Koalas live in Australia. Their habitats are in the forests of eastern Australia.
There are a few differences between northern and southern koalas. Northern Koalas weigh between 4 - 8.5 kg. Southern Koalas are larger weighing 7-13 kg. They also have thicker fur to keep them warm in the cooler southern winter.
The range length is 60-85 cm.
Describe it
Koalas have tough textured skin on their feet. Koalas have long sharp claws
to provide traction and strong thin muscles. They have extra thick fur on their
bottoms. Koalas have a curved back bone and two fewer pairs of ribs than most mammals (11 instead of 13).
What do they eat?
Koalas love to feast on eucalyptus leaves. They are very fussy eaters. Although there are 600 types of trees, Koalas limit there diet to 2 or 3 favourite kinds. They use excellent sense of smell to select the best tasting leaves.

Koalas have a bacteria in their stomachs. This allows them to only absorb 25 per cent of nutrients. To survive on such a low calorie diet, they conserve energy. They do this by moving slowly and sleeping up to 12 hours a day.
Interesting facts
A koalas pregnancy lats 35 days. The Aquila is only 2 cm long when born (Less than an inch). It is blind and has undeveloped ears.
Koalas can live for 10-15 years
A joey will stay in its mother's pouch for 6 months.