Book Creator

Unit : Molecular Genetic

by R.S. Tamang

Pages 2 and 3 of 12

Area for Research, & presentation
Waste Treatment ~ Jangchuk Choden

Significance of waste treatment using GMO

Biodegradation is the primary method for removing organic molecules from the environment. 
It takes a long time for many synthetic chemicals of concern to biodegrade.

The global population continues to grow at an incredible rate, with predictions predicting that it will exceed 9 billion by 2050. The extensive agricultural and industrial systems required to maintain such a big population will ultimately result in soil, water, and air pollution. Pollution is estimated to cause 62 million deaths per year, accounting for 40 percent of the global total, while the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that approximately 7 million people are murdered each year as a result of the air they breathe. Water systems fare little better, with an estimated 70% of industrial waste dumped into nearby waterways. Every year, the globe generates 1.3 billion tonnes of garbage, the vast majority of it is disposed of in landfills or dumped into bodies of water.

Microorganisms are well known for their capacity to degrade and absorb a wide spectrum of organic chemicals. Microbes are currently utilized to clean up pollutants in methods known as 'bioremediation.'

Source :

Bioremediation is a method that promotes the .......