Book Creator

Narratives of Injustice and a Quilt of Hope

by 2022


Narratives of Injustice and a Quilt of Hope
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
University of Connecticut, USA
Intercultural Project Argentina, Germany, USA

Narratives of Injustice and a Quilt of Hope

All stories presented in this book are based on true personal experiences. In order to protect the project participants, no author names are given.

The narratives, the preface as well as the artwork included in this book were created by students.

Photos (story "Excuses"): Canvas, royalty-free

Because of different privacy policies at the universities involved in this project, this book only includes stories from the University of Munich (LMU), Germany, and the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina.

This publication may not be reproduced in part or in whole without permission from the editors.

Project supervision:
LMU: Petra Rauschert
UConn: Manuela Wagner, Sandra Sirota
UNLP: Melina Porto

February 2022

Narratives of Injustice
The Daisy That Wilted
Great Enough
A Lesson on Equality and Empathy
Birds of Passage
The Odd One Out
My Solution
Cowardly Little Lion
Ghosts From the Past
The Gray Sheep
Young Betrayal
Teacher’s Pet
A Narrative of Injustice in Osler’s Terms
The ‘Unsuccessful’ Completion
Be Sure to Taste Your Words Before You Spit Them Out
The Cancelled Schoolball
The Mystical Forest
Cultural Insensitivity
School Uniform: Another Expression of Sexism
Wasted Hours

Additional stories
(injustices in non-educational contexts)

Quilt of Hope
Selected Artwork and Statements

In the winter semester 2021/22, students based in Argentina (Universidad Nacional de La Plata), Germany (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität), and the USA (University of Connecticut) collaboratively explored the research question of how trauma and suffering associated with experiences of injustice in higher education become a site of hope with transformative potential.

In this virtual exchange project, students met on Zoom and shared information via WhatsApp and Google Docs. The project started with each student writing a self-reflection of their own injustice experience in school, which was then shared with other classmates, so that students can engage with each other’s narratives of injustice to gain a deeper understanding of the concept of injustice and its influence on students. At the research stage, students were divided into small groups to conduct research and discuss the findings to learn more about the topic. Once students had better familiarized themselves with the causes and effects of injustices, they set out to look for solutions. Solutions were later presented as a quilt of hope using various artistic forms (drawing, painting, collage, video, etc.). In the end, students took different actions (social media, presentations for pre-service teachers, website post, etc.) to spread the quilt of hope to a large audience.

The goal of the project was to shed light on the impact of injustices in higher education and taking action to address them. Students' competencies related to cultural diversity, intercultural communication, multimodality, openness and curiosity, human rights, and democratic values were greatly promoted throughout the project.

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