Book Creator


by David and Lucio

Pages 4 and 5 of 15

Titanaboa babies eat mostly small mammals and capybaras. They also probably ate fish. Titanaboa adults ate dinosaurs, big crocodiles, and 7 foot turtles. Also an adult would eat its babies because if one came out not healthy or dead, it would eat it.
3. Body
Titanaboa was twice the size as the biggest snake today. It weighed almost 8 times bigger than the biggest Anaconda today. Titanaboa could reach to [4,500] thats 2,041 kilograms that's 9 Gorillas. They are named Titanaboa because the Titana is named after the titanic because it is so big. Titanaboa was 48 ft long and it could lift it's tail 6 ft high. It was 2 tons if it sat on you it would feel like 3 Eiffel towers. Titanaboa is a dark green snake and it had 40 teeth the size of a pointer finger. It's size was half a football field. It could open its mouth so big that it could swallow a motorcycle.