Book Creator

Thanksgiving Is Awesome

by By: Murray

Pages 4 and 5 of 9

Me and William were on my bed for about five hours playing my tablet. One maple came charging at me she jumped on my lap and fell asleep. Got asked Minecraft and turn off my tablet. We both pet her and she started purring. After petting her, mom said, "It's time to eat!" Rushing down to the dining room, the turkey was served and stuffing and mashed potatoes and cranberries and squash.
After Thanksgiving dinner, me and William and Mabel rushed back upstairs on my bed. We went back to playing Minecraft on my tablet. William and Mabel watch me play Minecraft. I shot three turkeys and 10 pigs and 18 sheep. I turn off my tablet and the three of us went outside and we went out in the woods.