Book Creator

11th grade Campestre's Final Showcase Catalogue

by 11th grade Fine Arts-Arts' Emphasis Students 2020

Pages 4 and 5 of 56

A year later, in 2015, the Program had to grow and was extended down to 8th grade. The foundations and experimentation cycle turned into a robust and advanced cycle, that allowed students to explore different languages in a 2-year process (8th and 9th grade) before choosing a final emphasis. This gave the entire program a different perspective and forced to delimit common goals despite the differences among disciplines and project formal circulation strategies in order to integrate formal productions within the three areas. Until last year, those circulation strategies took an exhibition form in order to transcend the class context due to the relevant findings specially within the Visual Arts emphasis.

Then in June 2017, the first group graduated after completing the entire process within the 3-year program. One year later in June 2018, we graduated the first class to complete what by then was a 4-year program. Today this program is about to end its sixth year. But this time with a mature and talented group of artists, whose creative process is clearly not distant from what professional artists have to face in their training years. This group of students, Class of 2020, are gathered here in this catalogue type, due to their complex way of looking at the world, their pertinent inquiries regarding identity, memory, fiction, political and social issues, visual endeavor, etc.; and of course, due to the way they are translating their thoughts in compelling and pertinent visual devices. We celebrate our sixth year with a meticulously curated group of artworks made by their tutor and mentor Alejandra Díaz. 
Unfortunately, we cannot meet inside the school’s gallery space. The pandemic forced us to move to different platforms and alternative exhibition strategies. But it never stopped this group of young artists and their mentor from building intelligible discourses and powerful messages. On the contrary, this will be the first class to be exhibited in a digital environment, which makes it even more complex and surprising.

Do not hesitate to go through this catalogue. Every page is the evidence of an intriguing and potent learning journey.

Alejandro Sánchez Gallardo
Head of Arts Deparment
[ Prologue pictures by:
Alejandro Sanchez Gallardo
of the series ONE FINE DAY]