Book Creator

Star Beacon Issue 1

by Richard Agran

Pages 4 and 5 of 18

Newspaper -- cont'd from pg. 1

We should have an EMES newspaper because a student-led newspaper allows students to give their views. Kids have different ways of explaining things than adults do, and it would be great exercise for kids to take charge and lead the people who are usually leading them. Also, a story is investigated. Kids will learn to ask questions, dig deeper and unearth the whole story. 

EMES should have its own newspaper because it’s a great project to work on. Working on a newspaper together allows students to collaborate. People would learn to get along. It would be a great social project in a time where there haven’t been a lot of social interactions. 

I believe EMES needs its own newspaper. It would inform the public of current and upcoming events. A newspaper would allow students to share their thoughts. And it would be a good collaborative social activity. Let’s make it happen!  ~
Garden -- cont'd from pg. 1

This project wouldn’t be possible without all the donations from the community. Many people donated material. The Vermont Community Garden Network, Sandal Cate, and Deedee Swenson donated seeds and plant starts. Fontaine Sawmill donated boards. Vermont Compost gave us a deal on soil. Mr. Blanchard donated his time, tools, and energy. Thanks so much to everybody who donated! 

Thank you to Karen for fixing up the garden and giving it a new life! ~

(Top) Building a raised bed plot for radishes and other vegetables.
(Bottom) Radish sprouts for salads
Images by Karen
(L) Beans and curiosity
(R) Multitasking
Images by Rick
Art & Culture
Wild Things by Annabelle
Racism -- cont'd from pg. 3

People are sometimes racist to Asians by disrespecting their traditions, or the way they do things. Some cosplayers dress up as characters with kimonos (a traditional dress), and sometimes they don’t wear them correctly. As long as they don’t accessorize them, apply too much makeup, and research how to wear them properly, wearing kimonos is fine. 

Racism against black people is one of the most well-known forms of prejudice. One of the biggest things going on with racism against black people is police brutality. There have been many black people of all ages killed (or injured) by police for no reason. 

The George Floyd case is an example. According to The New York Times George Floyd was arrested after a store clerk called 911 because he allegedly paid for cigarettes with a fake $20 bill. 

George Floyd was already pinned under three officers when the first squad got there. He was already dead. Derek Chauvin, one of the police officers, had held his knee to George’s neck, even though he couldn’t breathe. When George passed out eight minutes later, Officer Chauvin still kept his knee there for another minute. Though Mr. Floyd might have commited a minor crime, there was no reason to kill him. It was a minor crime. Derek Chauvin got charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter (later on the prosecutors added a charge for second-degree murder).

Another big problem with racist behavior against black people is people using the n-word. I’m not going to say it. This word was used against black people when slavery was still a thing, and is one of the most offensive words you can possibly say. A lot of white peoples’ reasoning for saying the n-word is: “It’s just a word.” They’re right, it is just a word. But it is a word that has a lot of history of the abuse of power behind it, and a word that means something terrible. But sure, just a word...

I hope that as you’ve read this piece, you’ve learned why racist behavior should be less normalized, and what people of color go through. Even if you did learn, I advise you look into more cases of prejudice and racism, and maybe get yourself or a parent involved in not seeing racist behavior as normal. ~
Summer Begins
Poem by AJ

The sun is rising. The flowers are blooming. Summer is coming to warm up our hearts. We laugh and play, rolling in the grass until the sun goes down. We’ll have three months of camps and fun, and at the end, school will start to come closer.