Book Creator

2022 Aurealis Awards Judging Reports

by Aurealis Awards Judging Team

Pages 6 and 7 of 32

Best Young Adult Short Story
Panel members: Debbie Berger, Jess Gately (convenor), Melanie Ifield, Samara Lo, Louise Nice

Number of entries: 40

Judging criteria: The YA Short Story this year was particularly interested in stories that were captivating in both concept and voice and which displayed a solid command of language and storytelling techniques.

Overview of nominations: The entries in this category were, for the most part, well-written with some truly out-of-the-box, new and eye-opening ways of telling both classic and new stories. Following the recent trends in Young Adult speculative fiction, there were a lot of fantasy submissions this year, but there were also some truly left-of-field and genre-bending entries too. Typical YA themes such as loss, friendship, and identity were widely explored, although some stories did so while also experimenting with unique structures to complement these themes. Many stories also reflected the growing trend for New Adult audiences to be classified as YA, reflecting the ongoing nature of these themes throughout our lifetimes. The final shortlist represents a truly excellent standard of storytelling and writing.
Best Young Adult Short Story Shortlist
"Forbidden Voices", E J Delaney (Cast of Wonders #510)
"Crone and the Girl", Pamela Jeffs (The Seasonals, Four Ink Press)
"Tastes like Home", Kiera Lesley (Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #86)
"Tornadoes, Grief and Poutine", Aline-Mwezi Niyonsenga
(Augur Magazine Issue 5.2)
"Enter Elias Schmidt", Phoenix Raig (The New Mythic, Precipice Fiction)
"Witchy Ways", Tansy Rayner Roberts (Witchy Ways, self-published)