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Isaac: A Half Biography Half Story

by Jack Andrews

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A Half Biography Half Story
Quick History
Isaac Newton, or Sir James Newton, was an Englishman most known for his discovery--not invention--of gravity. Of course, he didn't come out of the womb a genius, he was just your average young chap, born on December 25, 1643, abandoned by his mother at a very young age. In his adult years, he attended the University of Cambridge's Trinity College in 1661, slightly older than his peers. Later on in his life, he first published his theory of gravity in 1687. Although Newton was the first to publish the theory, many others had thought about it far before him. However, Isaac Newton was the first man to apply the theory to all sizes and shapes of objects. He also created the three laws of motion, as well as the discovery of the composition of white light.
Life without gravity, life without force, life without motion. Everything lay still as a statue, unable to move. Frozen water on a warm day. No life to be seen, no life to move. A vast universe void of life. No stars will shine brightly, as its luminosity is trapped within the confinements of its hydrogen gas body. No life would last without a force. Lifeless life is a contradiction in its own right, but without any movement in the universe, it would very much be true. No life could be born, but all life would eventually die, right? Would we even exist? Not just us, but the universe itself. Without force, without motion, life without anything.

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