Book Creator


by Everett Young

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By Everett Young
Table of contents
Rounded Rectangle
Define and describe
Climate and geography
Tools and data
Natural hazards
Impact on society and environment
Impact reduction
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Do you remember swimming in a pool? Imagine pools or rivers overflow with rain and create a flood. Do you know that in July of 2022, there was flash flooding from the Kentucky River in Jackson, Kentucky? Flash flooding is very dangerous. It happens when a lot of water rushes in one area. Read more to find out what happens in a flood.
Did you know “floodwater from Mississippi river covered a high way in Chester Illinois on May 2019”? That’s crazy!Also in the US flooding can cause more deaths damage than Hurricanes,Tornadoes or lightning.
Define and Describe a Flood
Floods look like rising waters.Another thing that a flood looks like is some can get 27.ft tall.A flood feels like hundreds of wet hands pushing and pulling at you. There might be a floating car or two.There are a few types of floods but they all are the same one way or another. Floods look like rising waters. A flood sounds like rushing waters.
RQ#2:Climate and Geography
A flood temperature can be warm or cold. The season of a flood are rainy season and hurricane season mostly. More information about floods are floods happen near rivers, lakes and oceans.The geography of a floods are Florida, Louisiana, New Orleans and Maine.A flood can happen at anytime at anyplace, for example floods usually happen in New Orleans, Louisiana but a flood can happen in Pennsylvania or Delaware.
RQ#3:Data and tools
Meteorologists use tools like a Minecraft shovel or a Minecraft pickaxe. One tool is a rain gauge. It measures rain so meteorologists can be warned if a flood is going to happen. Another tool is radar. Radar can watch the path of of a storm so we can predict the future weather.the data of these tools helps us predict the weather. You may notice that the climate is getting hotter like Mario’s fire flower.
pick axe
Video Game Flower
Natural Hazards
First of all, one hazard is drowning. It happens when you go underwater and can’t breathe. It is dangerous because you could pass away. Another hazard is fast waters. 6 inches of water can knock someone over in addition another hazard is polluted water. It’s dangerous because it could make people sick.
pick axe
Impaction on society & environment
Floods have an impact on society and environment. An impact on people is drowning. An impact on property is buildings can Be destroyed also cars can float into the water and into the sea and last but not least is floods can destroy roads And bridges.

Floods happy positive and negative thing to environment. Floods and A type of hill called Terraced Help rice crops grow. Floods can easily destroy crops and push them over.
RQ # 7: Impact Reduction

First, one thing that is being done to reduce the impact of a flood is that people build dams to control the flow of water. This action is somewhat working, however, something else we can do is build taller dams and make dams stronger. Next, another thing that is being done to reduce the impact of a flood is that people build levees to keep rivers from overflowing. This action is somewhat working, however, something else we can do is build a ditch. Finally, something that is being done to reduce the impact of a flood is that people build tunnels and concrete channels. Once again, this action is somewhat working.
Before a flood you should be prepared. One way to get ready for a flood is to put sand bags in front of rivers then put together an emergency kit and if you can evacuate the area. During a flood keep the fridge closed so that the food and water don’t get dirty and muddy also keep your phone charged lastly stay away from the windows. After a flood make sure you check on your family, rebuild your house and town, Finally move to higher ground.
Charge Phone
First Aid
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