Book Creator

The Bridge You Need in Ashburton

by Alec, Cassie, Briar, Ellie, Cody, Mahtaab


The Bridge you need in Ashburton
The picture on the left shows the plans that we originally had. The other picture shows where it would be: we would keep the existing bridge as a bike, scooter, walk bridge and then if the new bridge breaks, then traffic can be diverted to the old bridge and the bike scooter and walking will go back to where it used to be.
This is the car that we made to go over this bridge.
This bridge is called “The Messy Bridge”
The speed limit is 40 kilometres an hour
We have an ADC (Ashburton District Council) truck to go with it.
We've changed our design by:
Adding four spread out legs,
We aren't making a roof,
We have a slightly thinner road.