Book Creator

A Fall from Power

by Victoria Mitchell, Charlotte Watts, Ella Samson, and Maddy Brouillard

Pages 4 and 5 of 13

The Gabbler
Remembering a Star Amongst Meteoroids: Dr. Astra Xander

By Claude Gaskin VI | 09/16/2236

Okay, you should probably sit down for this one. 

Dr. Astra Xander
This style is also showing up in ship decor and hair and beauty trends.

For the longest time, unless you were in agriculture for some reason, gardening has been oh so passé. As of late however, we’ve deemed the high cost and high effort of growing one’s own food 1. worth it, and 2. actually fashion forward. 

You might think this is a reach at first... but it seems that our collective look back through history is actually much more than a few trends; it is a movement. Take the style of icon Dr. Astra Xander; among other incredible things, the beloved Xander was a pioneer of the aforementioned Neo-cont style. Decades before the rest of us, she could be found sporting apparel referencing historical Earth locations, jewelry made from the Earth's materials, and even skirts. These choices were never without careful consideration, however. They spoke to her political passion for Pan-Earthian unity, and whether we are aware of it or not, these sentiments are creeping back into out everyday lives.
This style is also showing up in ship decor and hair and beauty trends.

For the longest time, unless you were in agriculture for some reason, gardening has been oh so passé. As of late however, we’ve deemed the high cost and high effort of growing one’s own food 1. worth it, and 2. actually fashion forward. 

You might think this is a reach at first... but it seems that our collective look back through history is actually much more than a few trends; it is a movement. Take the style of icon Dr. Astra Xander; among other incredible things, the beloved Xander was a pioneer of the aforementioned Neo-cont style. Decades before the rest of us, she could be found sporting apparel referencing historical Earth locations, jewelry made from the Earth's materials, and even skirts. These choices were never without careful consideration, however. They spoke to her political passion for Pan-Earthian unity, and whether we are aware of it or not, these sentiments are creeping back into out everyday lives.
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